How can I redeem my Circle K rewards?

All AA customers can now avail of the Circle K rewards!

If you already have the AA App then make sure you have the most up-to-date App version to ensure you’re accessing all Rewards available to you.


How to redeem your Circle K Rewards?

  1. Go to the Rewards section of The AA App
  2. Tap on Circle K reward and a QR code will be displayed
  3. Scan the QR code at the counter in selected Circle K Stations


How to report an issue?

If you need to report an issue with the Rewards, please click here.
Because each phone works differently, mentioning your device and app versions can help us solve your issue faster!

How to find your device version?
For Android
Go to your phone settings
Select "About phone"
Then "Software information"
Your device version is the number below "Android Version"

For iOS
Go to your phone settings
Select "About"
Your device version is the number next to "Software Version"

How to find the App version?
For Android
Go to your phone settings
You will find The AA app under in the "Apps" section. Select it to see your app version.

For iOS
Go to Settings, then "General".
You will find The AA app under the "Storage" section. Select it to see your app version.

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