At AA Ireland, we are very aware that the current economic climate has influenced many people's financial situations.
If your financial situation has changed for any reason and you are struggling to pay your premiums, please talk to us. There are options available and we are fully committed to working with you to find a solution.
We can help you if you talk to us. As soon as you know that you are in financial difficulty or are concerned that you might be getting into financial difficulties - contact us. We can start working with you straight away to help find a solution
Our Customer Service team are available to help you every step of the way.
- Live Chat - Chat with us
- Phone: 0818 227 228 (We're open Monday to Friday 9am - 6pm)
If you are in financial difficulties, it is important not to ignore the problem. Speak to any providers that you owe money to; they should have processes in place to help you.
You may also wish to seek assistance from MABS. This is a national, free, confidential, independent advice service for people in debt difficulties or in danger of getting into difficulties.
MABS (Money Advice & Budgeting Service)
A national, free, confidential, independent service for people in debt or in danger of getting into debt. Its website provides useful budgeting tools and it also has contact details for all local MABS offices.
Phone: 0818 07 2000
Hours: Monday to Friday 9am-8pm
Email: [email protected]
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