Are there any restrictions on the vehicles you will cover?

The AA Rescue Assistance service is available to AA Members when they are travelling in or on one of the following motor vehicles; cars, vans, minibuses, motorcycles – all of which are subject to a maximum gross vehicle weight (GVW) limit of 3,500kg (3.5 tonnes).

Assistance is also given in relation to any caravan or trailer being towed at the time of the breakdown or accident, provided the gross weight of the caravan or trailer does not exceed 3,500kg (3.5 tonnes) and the vehicle towing it does not exceed 3,500kg (3.5 tonnes).

There are weight, length and width restrictions which apply to all levels of service provided including:

  • Overall width up to 2.3 metres (7ft 6in)
  • Overall length (motorised vehicles) up to 5.5 metres (18 feet)
  • Overall length (non-motorised caravans and trailers) up to 7.6 metres (24ft 9in)
  • Vehicles including vans, caravans and trailers up to 3,500kg (3.5 tonnes) GVW

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